Exhibition catalogue Le Principe Galápagos
According to Licht, the Galápagos principle states a correlation between isolation and creativity. The eponymous exhibition (Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2013), evolving and disseminated, aimed at performing its implementation within the art biotope. The present publication puts this experience in perspective through archives and documents, as well as contributions by authors solicited according to their respective positions inside the complex ecosystem defined as an exhibition.
Authors : Maxime Bondu, Gaël Grivet, Bénédicte le Pimpec, Émile Ouroumov, Pierre Bal-Blanc Marc Bembekoff, Julien Fronsacq, Simon Pleasance and Aurélien Mole
With the works, objects, interventions from : Atlantic, Ilya Prigogine, Simon Boudvin, Uriel Orlow, Jean Painlevé, René Daumal, Laurent Montaron, Christian Waldvogel, Alain Bedos & Christian Moncel, Gaël Grivet, Superstudio, Maxime Bondu, Arnaud des Pallières, Ceel Mogami de Haas & Vianney Fivel, Simon Faithfull, Joseph Grigely and The Principality of Sealand
Graphic design : Rob van Leijsen
Editor : Monstrare
Photo : ©Rob van Leijsen